Sunday, August 01, 2010

Cara In A Big City!

Living in the UK has been great but really tough without my friends! Naturally, I was super excited when I found out that TWO of my best friends (Cara and Ruby) were coming to visit this summer. Here are a few pictures from Cara's first few days in the big city of London. These ones are mainly random pictures of Cara around London-- from the Southbank, Tate Modern, and Camden. So nice to have here here! Also nice because Cara loves having her photo taken and she is very photogenic. She doesn't know this yet but I have decided that she will be my muse for creative experimentations in the future. I definitely need the practice and she is definitely a natural at this! I miss her already! Thank GOODNESS she is coming back next weekend!

Cara's first London request was to see the Tate Britain and the Tate Modern which was super cool since I had never seen either of them myself. We headed to the Tate Britain first and then took the boat to the Tate Modern. I didn't even know you could do that!

Waiting for the boat.

In front of parliament.

Big Ben and Parliament.

We spent some time at Camden Market--one of my favourite spots in London.

Camden Market.

Left: Cara "installing" at the Tate Modern. Right: Cara in front of Westminster Abbey.

Westminster Abbey.

Big Ben and a monument celebrating the end of slavery.

In front of Buckingham Palace.

In front of Buckingham Palace. She had a really nice camera.

I took the plunge and got my first tattoo! Will post a photo of the finished product soon!



Leanna said...

Beautiful pics! You definitely have a talent for taking photos of people that I never have - lovely. Can't wait to see the tattoo! :)

Amanda1031 said...

bahaha thanks Leanna! You definitely have a knack for landscape that I do not! They still aren't great--I am shooting in full manual now and I always seem to make one mistake or another..still learning!

Anonymous said...

so fun!! thanks for posting these. i love them and you. xo

send me the rest of them for facebook!

Leanna said...

I can't wait to come back and take lots and lots of photos with you! I haven't touched the camera since I've been here and I miss it!

Full manual is the way to do it, though, you'll know way more than anyone else by the time you've mastered it :D